Does meditation really help you become fit?

Does meditation really help you become fit?

When we talk about health and fitness, we normally assume that a person who has a healthy body, toned muscles, slim figure or someone who looks beautiful externally is fit but is fitness only confined to our external appearances? The simple answer is no. Whenever we talk about fitness or health, we should always take mental health into consideration. The way we think and the way we process our thoughts into our brain play a significant role to determine how our overall health will be. 

The amygdala which is a part of our limbic system acknowledges negative emotions like fear, anxiety, jealousy, sadness etc. 

Know your brain: Amygdala — Neuroscientifically Challenged
When you try to control your emotions, you don't do any good to your body. Acknowledging and addressing your emotions is not the same as controlling your emotions. Controlling your emotions is more like resisting them. Always remember, emotions are there for a reason. While you can't and shouldn't control your emotions, you can always manage them through many different ways. Some of the best methods to manage overwhelming emotions are meditation and rational thinking.
In this article, we are primarily focused on mediation and techniques of meditation for beginners.

Let's divide the process into four steps.
  1. Address your thoughts.
  2. Declutter your thoughts.
  3. Let the air come in and go out.
  4. Feel the serenity.
Imagine your brain as a room which has windows. All the objects which are there in your room are your thoughts and emotions.
Now when you overthink your room basically looks like this
Messy and unorganised.
So let's start the cleaning process.
Step 1 : Sit in a comfortable position and address those clutters which are there in your room. Acknowledge them.
Step 2 : Imagine yourself decluttering your emotions and thoughts by sweeping and throwing away the trash like you do to clean your room.
Step 3 : Now that your room (your brain) is clean, free of thoughts and emotions, open your window and let the air come in and go out. It means you should gently breathe in and out.
Step 4 : Now feel your body becoming relaxed and peaceful. Feel the air that's coming into your room. You are free of thoughts now. Your room is empty, free of trash and garbages. Don't do anything to it. Just feel the serenity and calmness. Just be in the moment.
You can listen to soothing and relaxing music while meditating.


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