
Showing posts from August, 2020

Does meditation really help you become fit?

Does meditation really help you become fit? When we talk about health and fitness, we normally assume that a person who has a healthy body, toned muscles, slim figure or someone who looks beautiful externally is fit but is fitness only confined to our external appearances? The simple answer is no. Whenever we talk about fitness or health, we should always take mental health into consideration. The way we think and the way we process our thoughts into our brain play a significant role to determine how our overall health will be.  The amygdala which is a part of our limbic system acknowledges negative emotions like fear, anxiety, jealousy, sadness etc.  When you try to control your emotions, you don't do any good to your body. Acknowledging and addressing your emotions is not the same as controlling your emotions. Controlling your emotions is more like resisting them. Always remember, emotions are there for a reason. While you can't and shouldn't control your

Exercise Ball and Basic Exercises for Beginners using the Ball

Exercise Ball Exercise ball is a big inflated ball of diameter ranging from 45-80 cm, which is primarily used for  improving strength, endurance, posture and balance. The Exercise ball is also known by a number of different names, including Swiss ball, gym ball, Pilate's ball, sports ball, fit or fitness ball, stability ball, therapy ball, yoga ball, balance ball, body ball or birth ball. This ball was first developed in 1963 by an Italian Plastic manufacturer named Aquiliono Cosani . It was then called Pezzi ball . Benefits  Helps correct faulty postures Used to develop abs  Increase lumbar (low back) mobility. Increase abdominal and back muscle strength.  Increase balance and stability.


SPONDYLOLYTIC SPONDYLOLISTHESIS Spondylolytic Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which bilateral fracture (stress fractures) of the pars interarticularis of the vertebra occurs.  Pars interarticularis is the portion of the laminae that is between the superior and inferior articular processes of a vertebra. It is subjected to bending forces that are transmitted from lamina to the pedicles.   In this condition, the posterior elements which include the  laminae, the articular processes, the spinous process and the transverse processes get completely separated from the neural arch and the vertebral body. As a result, the vertebral body begins to slip forward on the vertebra below. This slipping forward of the vertebra causes alteration in its location and creates excessive stress on supporting ligaments and joints which in turn causes narrowing of the posterior joint space. When the posterior joint space is narrowed, there is a compression on spinal nerves, the spinal cord or the cauda eq


CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME Carpal Tunnel as the name suggests, is a tunnel formed by carpal bones and flexor retinaculum. Through this tunnel courses a bundle of nerves, blood vessels and tendons that supply our hands. Median nerve passes through this tunnel. Sometimes tendons in the wrist become swollen which can result in the compression of the median nerve. This condition is often called Carpal tunnel syndrome. Before we delve into the symptoms and treatments of carpal tunnel syndrome, we will first understand the areas supplied by the median nerve in our hand.  Median nerve generally supplies the LOAF muscles. These muscles are: L umbricles O pponens Pollicis A bductor Pollicis Brevis F lexor Pollicis Brevis   Actions of the muscles supplied by the median nerve: 1. Lumbricles- Flexion of MCP joint and extension of IP joint 2. Opponens Pollicis- Opposition 3. Abductor Pollicis Brevis- Abduction of thumb 4. Flexor Pollicis Brevis- Flexes MCP joint of the thumb Carpal tunnel syndrome resu